Perhaps inspired by Daisy the Cat's admonition to the pets to "look good, feel good" like Daisy the Cat (see CPR 2-19-2012), Libby decided to lose some weight by going on an exercise regimen that en"tailed" climbing up and over Lady Emma's Head Pet bulk, several times. (Photos 1,2 and 3). The effort left her exhausted (Photo 4), but put her in better physical shape for the rigors of what was likely to be an arduous crossing of the Meriden-Weepy Eyelandia border to visit relatives. Once a year, the felines in Weepy Eyelandia hold the "Feast of the Purple Scarf", which is a three day event during which there are giant tom sized platters of food (including LIbby's favorite, a swish kabob of barbecued mice and robins, drenched in mole sauce) dancing (the dance of the Purple Scarf, of course) and Dean's List Celebrations. Of course, Lady claimed to be training Libby in these photographs, and that the whole success of the exercises depended upon her recumbency, which if she was obliged to nap in order to achieve, then that was a sacrifice she will willing to make for Libby.
SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD OF THE FEAST OF THE PURPLE SCARF, a charitable organization dedicated to helping kittens impressed into labor by the Snow Bengalese build new lives in Meriden, Connecticut.
SPONSORED BY THE SISTERHOOD OF THE FEAST OF THE PURPLE SCARF, a charitable organization dedicated to helping kittens impressed into labor by the Snow Bengalese build new lives in Meriden, Connecticut.