Long time subscribers to the CPR are aware of Daisy the Cat's international celebrity as a ski cap model, as well as her success as a Hair Chewing Salon Owner and Franchisor.(See CPR 10-18-2011 Profiles in Fur-rage, The Daisy the Cat Story) (This CPR will run as a bonus on the blog--calistropetreport.blogspot.com-- for those who missed it when it was first published). Daisy claims to be only too familiar with the stresses and strains of celebrity, which she feels contributed to the tragic death of Whitney Houston. Daisy says being hounded by the "pup-a-razzi" can not only lead to drug use and binge cat nipping, but to eating disorders. Though Daisy isn't proud of it, she herself has an eating disorder,which she struggles with to this day. Daisy's particular disorder is that she cannot eat in front of the other cats-- she thinks they are staring at her, even though she knows they are in most cases only staring at her bowl of food in the hopes that she won't finish it all and they can scarf it down themselves. Daisy's disorder has forced your Reporter to feed her separately from the other pets, on the top step of the basement stairs, with the door closed so no one can see her. Because of her struggles to maintain her health, Daisy has become very conscious of the need for all the pets to keep their appointments at the East Side Veterinary Clinic so they can keep current on their immunizations. Having lost her brother Goliath in the past year, she believes in early detection of pet illnesses and preventative care,. She has volunteered her image for posters to be printed and hung at 540 Paddock Avenue. The PR Team of Catsby and Pharoah are working on the poster copy, and have tentatively dubbed the campaign, "Feel Good and Look Good, like Daisy the Cat,. See your vet, and Darnell, time to get your balls cut off." Daisy has given her approval to the first part of this message, but she feels the second part of the message might inhibit Darnell from going to see the veterinarian. Hence, as with all Catsby and Pharoah Pet Public Relations campaigns, this effort remains a work, if not wreck, in progress. SPONSORED BY EAST SIDE VETERINARY CLINIC. FEEL GOOD, LOOK GOOD, LIKE DAISY THE CAT, AND DARNELL, TIME TO GET YOUR BALLS CUT OFF,.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Being a venture cat capitalist, manufacturer, and promoter, can be fairly exhausting, especially when there are problems in the chain of supply, as often happens when your labor is comprised mainly of flaky and adoringly exploitable kittens. So at least one night a week you need a night out, and Pharoah's night out happens to fall on a Saturday. It turns out that Pharoah has a standing date with the single lady who lives across the street, who for the sake of discretion, we will refer to as "G". Pharoah's practice is to start grooming himself around 4:30, and he does a very thorough job, as you can see by the attached photos. He usually starts on his chest, then moves on to his paws, and finally he cleans behind his ears. Then he applies a splash of cat cologne, a Snow Bengalese brand, called "Cheat-eh". Around 5:30 PM or so he stands by the door and starts meowing to be let out. He then trots across the street (looking carefully both ways before crossing) and sits on "G's" doorstep until "G" lets him in. What goes on inside G's house for the next fourteen hours no one knows (and Pharoah isn't talking) but the humans at 540 Paddock are usually alerted around 9:30 Sunday morning that "Pharoah is here". When your reporter goes across the street (looking carefully both ways) to pick up Pharoah, he is usually greeted at the front door by a purring Pharoah being held by a slyly smiling "G". Your reporter always politely states that he "hopes Pharoah was no trouble" and G usually responds, " Oh he's no trouble at all. He loves to sleep on my bed." That rascal. SPONSORED BY "CHEAT-EH": THE MASCULINE CAT COLOGNE FOR THE CAT WHO LIKES TO PLAY AROUND
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