Thursday, November 8, 2012


Two weeks before the actual Election, Barkbark Obama (Photo 1) conceded the contest for National Head Pet in a sparsely attended news conference, attended by Barkbark's mother (Photo 2) and some old mongrel (Photo 3) who was there because he heard there would be free cheesy dog treats after the news conference. Surrounded by one or two other tearful followers, many of whom had received the news that in fact there would be no cheesy dog treats following the conference, Barkbark made the following statement: Barkbark: My friends, I am proud of the campaign we have run, but the time has come to respect the will of the Pet World and concede that this dog just won't hunt. (Cries of "No No!' and " Where's the cheesy dog treats! We were promised cheesy dog treats! ring out from the tearful followers, barkbark's mom, and the mongrel who is only there for the cheesy dog treata). We had hoped that our plan to switch to alternative "green" invisible fencing would appeal to pets seeking to enjoy more play time outdoors, but we didn't get much of a chance during the debates to outline our program; in fact we actually didn't even get any chance during the debates to speak. (Cries of "Barkley was in the bag for Lady!" and "Who thought it was a good idea to have a fat crow moderate a town hall meeting!" and "Where's the cheesy snacks!" are shouted out by tearful followers, etcetera) But no, my furry friends, let's face it, it wouldn't have made a difference. Heck, even I am going to vote for Lady Emma. She is a dog of destiny!" Following these concessionary remarks, the crowd bolted from the hall, in search of real concessions, in the form of tasty cheesy dog treats. SPONSORED OF COURSE BY CHEESY DOG TREATS, MADE THE WAY YOUR GRANDMA MADE THEM, IF YOUR GRANDMA WAS SOME KIND OF CANINE CONCESSIONAIRE, BUT I'M NOT SAYING SHE IS, I'M JUST SAYING

Hello, I am Bobcat Schief-fur. (Photo 1) I wrote the questions for this Fur-reign Policy debate between the National Head Pet Candidates, and I worked really really hard on them. So please hold your applause until after I have asked the candidates my questions, and then please applaud for my questions, and not for the candidates. Are we clear about that, audience? (540 Pets making up audience for debate applaud wildly). The First Question is directed to Mutt Romney, but as per the rules agreed upon by Lady Emma's campaign, she will get to answer the question first. Mutt, what do you see as the biggest fur-reign policy challenge for the next four years? Lady, you get to answer this question first. 540 Pets making up audience for debate applaud wildly, pretending to be applauding the question, but really applauding Lady Emma.(Photo 2) Lady Emma: The nap deficit is our biggest challenge, because when pets are tired, they do wild and reckless things , like invade countries, such as when the leader of Snow Bengalia, Catilla the Himalayan, missed his afternoon nap, and got so cranky he ordered his troops to invade Weepy Eyelandia. We need strong nap leadership, and I am the only proven Nap Creator, and I promise the Pet World that if I am elected Head Pet I will never miss a nap and invade a country because I am cranky. (Photo 3, Lady Emma showing strong nap leadership, sleeping with her eyes open) 540 Pets Pets making up audience for debate applaud wildly, causing the moderator to shout for order. Bobcat Schief-fur: Hey! What did I say about only applauding when I ask a question? 540 Pets making up audience applaud wildly because Bobcat asked a question when he asked "Hey What did I Say about only applauding when I ask a question? SPONSORED BY APOLOGISTS FOR CATILLA THE HIMALAYAN

The Emperor Jay Catsby has added to his titles the sobriquet "The Great Head Pet Debate Fact Checker", which he is planning to emblazon on a tee shirt, if he can find one large enough to accomodate both this title and his girth. Speaking of girth, there was an embarassing moment after the Town Hall Debate, when Catsby was asked to check the facts, and misheard, and instead began inspecting the fat, specifically Candy Crow-ly's, which led to a great caw-ing in protest, as however innocent, the fact, or fat, remains that birds do not enjoy having cat claws poked into them, even if for purposes of legitimate scientific measurement. Once Catsby's assignment was straightened out, he examined with critical eye (Photos 1, 2 and 3, Catsby examining with critical eye(s)) the claim that Lady Emma was a Nap Creator. Having snuggled up with Lady Emma as recently as during the Town Hall Debate itself, in fact during his questioning of her as an undecided independent Pet Voter, Catsby is pleased to pronounce that Lady Emma's claim of being is Nap Creator is not only essentially accurate, it is ASTONISHINGLY FANTASTICALLY AMAZINGLY ACCURATE!!!! Catsby also pronounced Candy Crow-ly to be a bit hefty for a Crow, and issued a warning to the other Pets that if they knew what was good for them they should stay out of the way of the moderator at the Post Debate Buffet if they didn't want to get trampled while reaching for an hor d'oeuvre. SPONSORED BY THE GREAT FACT CHECKER HIMSELF, JAY CATSBY

Hello, my name is Candy Crow-ly (Photo 1) and I am the moderator for tonight's 
Town Hall Style Debate between Barkbark Obama, Mutt Romney, and Lady Emma, which 
is being held on the campus of the Tails-U-Win Pet Obedience School in 
Manchester, CT.  The Leash of Feline Voters has commissioned an independent 
polling company,  Jay Catsby and Pharoah the Cat Independent Polling & Stick 
Retrieval, Inc. (Their motto: "If we have to ask, don't even bother answering"), 
to find undecided voters to ask questions of the candidates.  The first 
independent voter is named Jay Catsby (Photo 2, and he has a question for Lady 
on what has been determined to be the most important social issue of the 
campaign.  Mr. Catsby? 
Jay Catsby (reading from a notecard, in a manner copying the manner of humans 
participating in similar town hall debates, as though he is being forced to read 
a  hostage note):  Lady Emma, you have described yourself as a nap creator.  
What would you do to ensure more Pets are fully employed by naps? 
Lady Emma:  Yes, I am proud to say I am a Nap Creator.  Over the past four 
years, I have created over 50,000 new naps a month 
 for the six cats for whom I am proud to say I serve as Head Pet.   In my 
household at 540 Paddock Avenue, I have created an environment in which naps are 
encouraged, and we have done this by educating pets, as there is a causal 
relationship between education and sleeping, especially if you are a cat who has 
to get up early for a class after being outside all night chasing after mice. In 
my household, naps are taken in boxes, in bags, in baskets, on clean laundry, on 
dirty laundry, on couches, on seats, on rugs, on ping pong tables, behind 
televisions, in front of televisions, on counters, below counters, in sinks, in 
showers, and sometimes on beds, but only when the humans are trying to make 
them.  My opponents are Nap Killers-- they don't know how to create naps, 
because as breeds they are Working Dogs, bred for herding sheep and the like, 
and Working is antithetical to Napping.  They don't know how to create Naps, 
their proposals would crush the Middle Class of Pets, and you can't nap when you 
are being crushed.  I know, because I am a nap creator, and I often nap in my 
crate, where no stupid human can roll over onto me and crush me. 
Candy Crow-ly: You have two seconds to respond, Mutt Romney. 
Mutt Romney:  Yes, as a German Shepard, I am a working Dog, and my parents were 
Working dogs, sheep herders, and let me tell you, herding sheep is hard work, 
and it makes you tired, and when you're tired, you nap, so I know how to create 
a Nap, and .... 
Candy Crow-ly: (interrupting) One nap?  Lady Emma, care to respond? Mutt says he 
knows how to create a single nap. 
Lady Emma: For himself, sure. And his privileged kind. He can lie down in his 
sheep meadow, with the other 1% of the pets who control 99% of the sheep 
meadows, and take a nice long nap, but what about the Household Pets who don't 
have sheep meadows to lie down in? What can he do to ensure that those pets find 
naps?  I can find naps for those Pets, I am the only candidate with a  Four Paw 
Pan for creating naps.  
Candy Crow-ly:  Thank you Lady Emma.  Be with us tomorrow night, when Lady Emma 
will be given the opportunity to expatiate upon her Four Paw plan, and another 
independent voter, Darnell the Cat (Photo 3), will get to direct a question to 
the candidates that will once again demonstrate why Lady Emma is the only true 
choice for National Head Pet. Goodnight, and, Caw, Caw. 


Jay Catsby, who didn't get to ask his question of the candidates last night, 
because time ran out in the First Quarter, was mollified by the Leash of Feline 
Voters when it appointed him Official Fact Checker for the End of the First 
Quarter of the Debate.  (See Photos 1 and 2, Catsby checking the facts, and 
Photo 3, Catsby washing his paw after checking the facts).  In checking the 
Facts, Jay Catsby determined that it was an Indisputable Fact that his case, Jay 
Catsby the Corporation vs. Jay Catsby the Cat, was the seminal case regarding 
Pet Conflicts of Interest, and further that it was an Indisputable Fact that the 
Clock had run out on the First Quarter of the Debate, because neither Barkbark  
nor Mutt had any timeouts to stop the clock, in that they had wasted and lost 
their time outs by challenging the moderator and by challenging Lady Emma., 
ineffectively and irritatingly.  Lastly, Jay Catsby fact checked that Mutt 
Romney was not made out of stone, and that he should have agreed with the 
Moderator Barkley Pellomello that Lady Emma had the most adorable dogface. The 
consequences of Mutt's failure to endorse with enthusiasm the adorableness of 
Lady's dogface has led Catsby to recommend to the Leash of Feline Voters that 
economic sanctions be imposed on Mutt's candidacy, including a limitation on 
imports, a tariff on exports, and a blockade of selective polling places. 


Hello again. I am Barkley Pellomello, and welcome again to the North Shore Animal Shelter Auditorium for the resumption of the National Head Pet debate between Barkbark Obama, Mutt Romney, and Lady Emma. Tonight we are privileged to have the Emperor Jay Catsby take over the questioning of the candidates. Barkbark Obama: Hey wait a minute. Why does he get to ask the questions? He's one of Lady's biggest backers when he's not disputing who gets to rule what portion of the Pet World! Barkley Pellomello: It is precisely because of his conflict of interest with Lady Emma that he is uniquely qualified to ask unbiased questions of the candidates, for as you should be well aware, Barkbark,it was in a case before the Highest Court in the Land, atop the tallest refrigerator in the Kitchen at 540 Paddock, in front of her Honor Justice Gracie Sotomeow (Photo 1), for whom Jay Catsby served as a law clerk, in an opinion authored by Jay Catsby, and argued by Jay Catsby (Photo 2, Jay Catsby arguing with himself), that the principle of "conflict of interest" was held contrary to natural pet law, as no pet can be considered at any time to act in other than his own self interest. The case, encaptioned J. Catsby, the Corporation, v. Jay Catsby, the Cat, popularly known as the "Pussies United" case, also stood for the proposition that a Corporation could be considered a cat if the Cat was a corporation, and hence both the Cat and the Corporation could spend unlimited amounts of money on cat food, treats, and fancy designer scratching posts, and each could sue the other, and vice versa, so long as Catsby's legal fees got paid. You should know this basic principle of Pet Jurisprudence, Barkbark. You have now lost all your timeouts, and that question and answer constitutes the end of the first quarter. Mutt Romney: What about your conflict, Barkley? You are clearly smitten by Lady Emma. How can you moderate impartially? Barkley Pellomello: Because it is the end of the First Quarter, and we are now going to a commercial, I don't have to answer that,except, all I can say, is one photo is worth a thousand curs. Look at that delightful dogface! (Photo3) My God, Mutt, are you made of stone? SPONSORED BY JAY CATSBY, THE CORPORATION. SO SUE ME.

The National Vice Head Pet Debate between Paw Ryan and Joe Bite'm took place 
tonight at the MERIDEN HUMANE SOCIETY FENCED IN YARD, but really, no one was 
watching.  Your Reporter was watching the Yankees-Orioles,  and all the Pets 
were at Lady Emma's Mid Head Pet Debate Party, which was a Pajama Party, held in 
the upstairs bedroom (Photos 1, 2 and 3) At Lady's Pajama Party, everybody was 
singing, and dancing to the music, and Cokes were in the ice box, and DJ Darnell 
kept the records spinning, all of which was way more interesting than Paw and 
Bite'm growling at each other for hours, and for that matter, watching hitters 
strike out for 14 innings of  Yankee-Orioles game. However, Lady Emma did issue 
a statement, which is that she didn't believe in vice, only in virtue, and hence 
her Pajama Party would not field a vice Head Pet Candidate.  So without Lady's 
endorsement, the Media boycotted the debate, and the only thing that is known 
about the encounter between the Vice Head Pet Candidates is  that Paw, a 
Yorkshire Terrier, and Bite'm, a Boston Terrier, apparently spent the evening 
wrestling over a chew toy, and the whole thing, while spirited, only seemed to 
confirm the fact  that the Office of the Vice Head Pet  was not worth much more 
than a pitcher of warm drool. So the practical political fallout from the debate  
was to provide a bounce in the polls (as well as on the upstairs bed) for Lady 
Emma, who had gone on record even before the debate against drooling on the 
upstairs bedspread. 

The second night of the debate was not without its controversy.  The campaigns 
of Barkbark Obama and Mutt Romney complained that the Moderator was showing bias 
and that the Fact Checking done by your reporter was similarly slanted towards 
the positions of Lady Emma.  Accordingly, the Pet Press has appointed a totally 
impartial panel to fact check the second night of the debate. (Photo 1)  The 
panel consists of Libby the Cat, Daisy the Cat, Jay Catsby, Gracie the Cat, and 
Lady Emma. (The inclusion of Lady Emma was done at the insistence of the rest of 
the panel, and was thought necessary because the rest of the pets on the panel 
had to sit in the audience at the North Shore Animal Shelter Auditorium, where 
the acoustics are not as good as they are on the stage of the Auditorium, where 
Lady Emma is situated, and hence is in the best position to hear the facts that 
need checking.  The first challenged factual assertion was the claim of Lady 
Emma that her opponents were serial hydrant piddlers whose piddling by 
implication would subvert the dem-o-catic process.  The Pet Fact Checking Panel 
assessed this claim by having Lady sniff the fire hydrant outside the North 
Shore Shelter Auditorium, and Lady reported that in fact the hydrant had been 
piddled on, serially, by Barkbark and Mutt.  So the panel concluded that this 
claim was "totally accurate", but  were nevertheless inclined to let Barkbark 
Obama and Mutt Romney off with a verbal warning, and no fine, except that Lady 
Emma claimed that during her gracious answer identifying her opponents as serial 
hydrant offenders, Barkbark and Mutt were seen "fuming", and that there is 
nothing more hazardous to public pet health than piddle fumes, which is of 
course why cats use sanitized deodorized litter boxes.  Further, Lady Emma 
noted, the Mutt and Barkbark campaigns contested her promise to appoint outside 
the box thinkers to her Head Pet Administration, by claiming that Lady Emma had 
no intention of appointing Bonnie the Cat to her administration.  However, the  
Pet Fact Checking Panel determined that the fair preponderance of the 
photographic evidence in fact established that Bonnie the Cat never did leave 
her box (Photos 2 and 3), so whether or not Lady would fulfill her promise to 
appoint Bonnie to her cabinet was moot and how dare Barkbark and Mutt make a 
campaign issue out of poor Bonnie's social problems and her out of the box 
agoraphobia.  (Of course, it would be angoraphobia if she were a different breed 
of cat, such as a sheep, but that the Pet Fact Checking Panel felt was equally 
offensive to Bonnie--she's no sheep!)