The highlight of Lady Emma's summer had to be her excursion to the Thomas Dodd Stadium in Norwich, Connecticut, where she participated in the Connecticut Tigers "Bark at the Park". Lady and her Master and Mistress had front row seats, right over the Tigers dugout, but Lady was disappointed that she was not asked to throw out the first ball. Apparently, the CT Tigers management had considered asking Lady to throw out the first ball, but after they acquainted themselves with Lady's history of ball relinquishment, decided against the move, since it is well known that Lady likes to chase after thrown objects, but doesn't like, once having fetched them, to give them up, preferring to run with the thrown object away from whomever tossed it. So the CT Tigers astutely realized that if they gave Lady Emma the first pitch to throw out, she would run with the ball into one of the luxury suites and hop on a couch and refuse to give it up to the catcher. Poor Lady had to be satisfied instead with singing the Star Spangled Banner, which was the highlight of her summer. Well, that, and the recording contract she landed ffrom the record company cur sitting in the second row, who spend most of the game boldly admiring Lady's pipes.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
The summer is officially over, with Virginia having returned to school, and Dominic set to return. So much has happenned over the course of the summer, that it will take the better part of a week's worth of reports to summer-ize, so to speak. We will start with Pharoah the Cat's summer activities. While many of the pets were involved with various political activities, such as Gracie Sotomeow, who was under the impression that the Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, was actually Mittens Romney, the first kitten to run for President (and who was under the further impression that by getting involved with Mittens, she would not only get to have pie, but possibly be nominated to the Highest Court in the Land, the 50 foot tall Refrigerator in the bomb shelter/basement in the White House), Pharoah was remaining true to the mounted heritage of the invading armies of Snow Bengalia by taking bare back riding lessons.Of course, lacking a proper horse to ride, Pharoah had to do his homework, and the practicing of his equestrian technique, on the black leather chair in the family room.(Photo 1). To take his lessons, Pharoah was obliged to "pony up" the membership fee of the Exclusive Table Linen Shelf Club, where most afternoons during the summer he could be seen "Lingering on the Linen". (See Photos 2 and 3, taken by the nosy Pussarazzi with their telephoto lenses through the openings in the Exclusive "Top Shelves" that members retire to for personalized grooming by professional meow-seuses after a grueling several minutes of bare back practice). Fortunately, Pharoah the Cat had money saved up from the business he had embarked upon with Jay Catsby last fall servicing stolen, er rather, fortuitously found, laptops, so he was able to swing for the Exclusive Table Linen Shelf Club fees. As probably the leanest "Fat Cat" of the Club's movers and tail shakers, Pharoah will no doubt in short time wind up as the Club's President,which might then allow him to luxuriate at the very tip top of the World Class Linen Shelves at the Club. As we know, with cats, Height is Power. What is true about sitting on the Highest Refrigerators is also true about sitting on the Highest Linen Shelves -- as the motto of the Club goes-- "Summae potentiae est optimum felis ministerio" (To the HIghest Cat belongs the power and the best table service") TOMORROW: HOW JAY CATSBY SPENT HIS SUMMER VACATION SPONSORED BY THE EXCLUSIVE TABLE LINEN SHELF CLUB -- IT'S MOTTO, WELL, YOU'VE ALREADY READ IT.
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