3-5-2012 CPR CLASSIC 10-21-2011 LADY EMMA DIARY FORGER REVEALEDThe pets at 540 Paddock Avenue shared Lady Emma's outrage at the attempt made on
Wednesday to pass off an ill tempered vitriolic screed as the thoughts and
sentiments of Lady Emma. Pharoah the Cat in particular was incensed at the
suggestion that the pets were in any way unappreciative of the food served at
540 Paddock Avenue. So Pharoah vowed to unmask the forger of the diary by
playing detective. As CPR readers are aware, however, Pharoah is Snow Bengalese.
And it turns out that Snow Bengalese detectives also double as pirates, being
that most professions the snow bengalese cat engages in are piratical in nature,
the snow bengalese cat species being essentially a maritime feline species that
thieve and steal and talk out of the sides of their mouths (Photo 1), make mice
walk the plank, and bury dubloons in their litter boxes. So Pharoah donned his
Pirate's hat (see Photo 2), which was the equivalent, in snow bengalese terms,
as a detective's hat. And by donning the hat, Pharoah was able to figure out
the identity of the forger of the diary. And it was--- wait for it---MAX
SAVEJS! (See photo below).
Apparently, Max forged this diary entry to get Lady Emma's attention, not unlike
John Hinckley's attempt to gain Jodie Foster's attention by shooting Reagan.
And so History Repeats Itself. Max has been turned over to the authorities, and
is presently out on bail, but is under house arrest, and forced to wear an
electronic collar. The electronic collar does have a remote feature which
allows Max to change the channel on the Savejs television set from whatever it's
on to the Animal Planet. Although Lady says that if they really want to punish
Max, the remote should only be able to change the channel to the Cat Show
Channel, which, while popular with cats, particularly the judging segments, is
incredibly tedious for dogs to watch.
Sponsored by CSI (Cat Special Investigations): Meriden