While some might question whether or not brilliant PR (Pet Relations) mastermind DTC (Daisy the Cat) staged the incident, a side of Lady Emma was revealed earlier this evening that can only help her Head Pet Administration poll numbers. Sometime around 7 PM, a somewhat balance defying woman was seen in the back driveway at 540 Paddock Avenue, attempting recklessly what was for her the apparently difficult feat of trying to move forward on a bicycle. The woman fell off the bicycle, and Lady charged out into the driveway, ignoring the obvious peril of the woman's flailing limbs, and heaving bosom, offering compassionate reassurance and assistance, not unlike a St. Bernard, and posing heroically for the Pet Press photographers, including your reporter. (See Photos 1, 2, and 3). Assistance in the form of a helping hand up soon arrived for the woman, who survived the incident unharmed, and soon was able to go on her merry and grass stained way, after receiving a few tips from Lady Emma upon how the pedals on the bicycle were supposed to operate. ("You gotta f**king push the pedal with your f**king feet!", Lady helpfully if not profanely advised the woman, not being able to suppress under the excitable circumstances her Canine Tourette's ) A Press Release soon followed from DTC, pointing out that, unlike certain felines (we're talking about you, Catsby) with illusions of grandeur and delusions of empire, Lady Emma views government as there to help, not rule. SPONSORED BY THE COMPASSIONATE AND CARING HEAD PET ADMINISTRATION OF LADY EMMA, HEROINE, WHOSE MOTTO IS "WE DON'T CARE HOW CLUMSY YOU MAY BE, IF YOU FALL OFF YOUR BIKE, WE WILL BE THERE TO HELP AND POSE FOR PICTURES"
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