Justice Gracie SotoMeow has issued her opinion, from the Highest Court, on top
of the refrigerator at 540 Paddock, in the case of Lady Emma vs. Libby the Cat.
" I, Justice Gracie SotoMeow, and not Jay Catsby my clerk, he has nothing to do
with this, this is all me, myself, I, and not Catsby, all he did was examine the
record, and watch it go round and round and round, which sure made me, I mean,
him, dizzy! No,this decision is entirely mine, Justice Gracie SotoMeow, and Jay
THIS DECISION, certainly not by holding the feathered Quill Pen in his paws and
struggling painstakingly with each little quilling, or by being bemused by the
Feather of the Pen, not unlike those cats on the CAT SHOW CHANNEL, which I,
meaning me Justice SotoMeow and certainly not Jay Catsby my clerk who does love
watching the feather part of the judging, or so he tells me, or would have told
me if he had anything to do with the actual quilling of this opinion, which of
course he didn't , given that it was solely and wholly me, Justice SotoMeow, not
me, Jay Catsby, who I don't even know what the decision is, except of course
that I am the Justice SotoMeow, and my decision is JAY CATSBY WINS! JAY CATSBY
WINS! JAY CATSBY WINS! And of course to prove that it is I, Justice SotoMeow,
who is making this decision, and not anyone else, and certainly not Catsby, my
clerk, I am attaching to my opinion a photo of me Justice Gracie Sotomeow
standing on top of the refrigerator looking judicial, and a photo of me, Justice
Gracie SotoMeow, reading my opinion from my food bowl, where my clerk Jay
Catsby certainly did not put it there for me to read, as an opinion is not
OFFICIAL and IMPORTANT unless it is read from a food bowl, and every cat knows
this, even one made dizzy by his examination of the record going round,round,
round, or, er, rather HER examination of the record, as I, Justice Gracie
SotoMeow, am a wise Latina female cat, and not a male cat, like Catsby would be
if he had anything to do with being dizzy or quilling this opinion, even though
distinctions such as male and female are largely moot (a wise latina word) when
pets have been neutered, as I have been told both myself and Justice SotoMeow
have been, or rather, myself, Justice SotoMeow, has been told, Catsby hasn't
been told anything, this decision is a complete SURPRISE to him, I am sure,
just as it will be a suprise to Pharoah-- hey Pharoah! Wake up! (Photo 3) You
lost! I won! I mean, not I, Justice Sotomeow, not I, I haven't won, I am above
the law, I am above the refrigerator, and the lettuce, and the milk, and the
left over humus from when Dominic was home, actually, it is not I who have won,
no, but JAY CATSBY WHO HAS WON! who isn't me, of course, Justice Gracie
Sotomeow, but me, or rather, him, Jay Catsby my clerk who had nothing to do with
the quilling of this opinion, oh feather how you excite me, I mean him, not I,
or me, rather, but Jay Catsby who has won. Yes, definitely Jay Catsby has won
the eating competition. Jay Catsby, who is not me nor has ever been me. Dizzy,
so dizzy.
So Says Me, Jay, I mean, J as in Justice, Justice Gracie SotoMeow.
SPONSORED BY JUSTICE GRACIE SOTOMEOW and definitely not sponsored in any way by
Jay Catsby. Wait. What. I'm neutered?
A CPR shout out to Dominic Calistro-- Happy 21st Birthday!
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