Monday, October 1, 2012


Darnell, by reason of the acquisition this summer of his prestigious online economics degree, has been employed by the Emperor Jay Catsby to figure out how to finance the expansion of his Empire. As to the matter of sponsorships, some trouble has already been encountered. While the Emperor likes the boxes of putative sponsor WBMason, he doesn't like the slogan, "Who But WB Mason". As Catsby points out, if anyone's "but" should be featured prominently in advertising, it should be his own. Darnell countered that the bigger the but, the bigger the buck, and hence proposed that a corporate sponsorship be centered around the backside of a Budweiser Clydesdale (Photo 1), as it evokes a grandeur of the gluteus maximus fit to rule the pet world. To make his point, Darnell showed Photo 1 to a mouse who was trotting up the stairs at 540 Paddock-- and said mouse immediately swooned. (Photo 2) Indeed, the degree of swoon was such that the mouse could not be revived, necessitating the ethical flushing of his remains down a household toilet. We have spared our readership that photo. Catsby was intrigued by the prospects of a partnership between himself as Emperor and the King of Beers, and decided to run it by the humans in the house, who gave the concept an unequivocal seal(s) of approval. (Photo 3) SPONSORED BY A SADDER BUT BUTT WISER.

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