Thursday, November 8, 2012


Hello, I am Bobcat Schief-fur. (Photo 1) I wrote the questions for this Fur-reign Policy debate between the National Head Pet Candidates, and I worked really really hard on them. So please hold your applause until after I have asked the candidates my questions, and then please applaud for my questions, and not for the candidates. Are we clear about that, audience? (540 Pets making up audience for debate applaud wildly). The First Question is directed to Mutt Romney, but as per the rules agreed upon by Lady Emma's campaign, she will get to answer the question first. Mutt, what do you see as the biggest fur-reign policy challenge for the next four years? Lady, you get to answer this question first. 540 Pets making up audience for debate applaud wildly, pretending to be applauding the question, but really applauding Lady Emma.(Photo 2) Lady Emma: The nap deficit is our biggest challenge, because when pets are tired, they do wild and reckless things , like invade countries, such as when the leader of Snow Bengalia, Catilla the Himalayan, missed his afternoon nap, and got so cranky he ordered his troops to invade Weepy Eyelandia. We need strong nap leadership, and I am the only proven Nap Creator, and I promise the Pet World that if I am elected Head Pet I will never miss a nap and invade a country because I am cranky. (Photo 3, Lady Emma showing strong nap leadership, sleeping with her eyes open) 540 Pets Pets making up audience for debate applaud wildly, causing the moderator to shout for order. Bobcat Schief-fur: Hey! What did I say about only applauding when I ask a question? 540 Pets making up audience applaud wildly because Bobcat asked a question when he asked "Hey What did I Say about only applauding when I ask a question? SPONSORED BY APOLOGISTS FOR CATILLA THE HIMALAYAN

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