Saturday, March 24, 2012


This has been a busy week for Lady Emma. There was the launching of the new
feature, Lady Emma's Diary, which turned out to be a forgery, and then there was
threatened legal action, and an authentic diary entry, then the unmasking of the
forgerer  by Pharoah, and the revelation that the forgerer was Max.  So Lady
could be excused if all she wanted to do this Saturday night was take a nap. But
it's not in Lady Emma's nature to lie down on a Saturday night.  Well, it is in
her nature. But she was revived by Kathleen, who, in missing Virginia, has
focused her maternal  energy and transferred many of her social ambitions to
Lady, by 1) buying her a tutu and encouraging her to take up ballet (Photo 1);
2) curling her fur to achieve a glamour look (Photo 2); and 3) slaving over
Lady's cuticles (Photo 3), so that Lady's paws don't rip through her fashion
puppy hose.  After spending an hour or two working on Lady's look, Kathleen was
surprised when a car pulled up and a handsome dog honked the horn to take Lady
to a movie.  Money Bowl.  Apparently a film about a small market kennel trying
to compete in the Westminster Dog Show by feeding its dogs low cost, special
diet dog food.

Sponsored by Money Bowl, a film about a small market kennel trying to compete in
the Westminster Dog Show by feeding its dogs low cost, special diet dog food.

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