Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hello, my name is Barkley Pellomello, of National Puplick Radio, and welcome to 
the second night of our National Head Pet debate.    Tt's format will feature 
questions from independent pet voters from all over the country.  The first 
question is from a cat named Bonnie (Photo 1) who lives in a place known as 
Cabbage Hill, Connecticut. Bonnie, what's your question? 
Bonnie the Cat: I have a two part question. The first part of the question is 
directed to  BarkBark Obama and Mutt Romney, and the question is why? Why are 
they are bothering running against Lady, who is clearly a superior candidate by 
reason of her record of friendship with cats? And the second part of my question 
is why? (Photo 2) Why am I in this box? 
Barkley Pellomello:  That is an excellent question, Bonnie, and even though it 
is directed to Barkbark and Mutt, as moderator, I have decided  to let Lady Emma 
have the first shot at answering it, because I like her better than the other 
two candidates, because she's prettier than they are, and smarter. Go ahead 
Lady (smiling at Barkley--Photo 3-- while Mutt and Barkbark fume):  Thank you 
for your question, Bonnie. Barkbark and Mutt are running because I believe in 
the demo-cat-ic process, and I believe cats, as well  as dogs,  should not only 
be given the opportunity to vote for me, a proven friend of felines, but also be 
given the chance to reject, repudiate, and ridicule the candidacies of my 
opponents, who have proven themselves to be nothing more than enemies of the pet 
middle class as well as serial fire hydrant piddlers. 
(540 Paddock Pets cheer wildly;  Barkley Pellomello starts and moderates a 
chorus of "For she's a jolly good fellow") 
Lady: As for the second part of your question, you are in the box, Bonnie, 
because when you get out of the box, you are thinking outside the box.  There 
will always be a place promised for you in my administration as a thinker 
outside the box, but of course to actually join my administration you will have 
to leave your box, and as far as the photographic evidence goes, it appears that 
you never leave your box, so it's not like it's one of those promises that are 
going to haunt me after I am elected, is it?" 
Barkley Pellomello (nodding his head in assent):  Lady Emma, once again, as 
moderator, I am just so darn impressed by the beauty of your reasoning (to say 
nothing of the beauty of your face) that there is just no point in allowing 
either Barkbark or Mutt the opportunity to respond to Bonnie's question, even 
though it may have originally been directed to them. So we conclude tonight's 
session once again declaring Lady Emma the winner of the debate.  Good night 
from the North Shore Animal Shelter Auditorium, and be with us tomorrow, when 
Lady once again will demonstrate her fetching manner and winning and winsome 

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