Friday, January 18, 2013

What better way to begin the first CPR of the New Year than to report that rumors of Daisy the Cat's demise have been greatly exaggerated. Daisy went to see her vet on Tuesday morning due to some concerns regarding a regrettable incontinence. Blood and urine work was performed, and Daisy received a relatively clean bill of health-- no Feline Aids, no Diabetes, no serious illness. All the pets were greatly "relieved" that the incontinence was not indicative of a serious veterinary problem, but the differential diagnosis did cause some concern. Daisy's wee problem is apparently due to stress. It now becomes the obligation of the household to figure out the source of the stress and to try to alleviate it. Your reporter asked Daisy what the problem was, and she was strident in complaining that she had been duped by Darnell into investing a vast amount of her hair chewing salon fortune in a" Paw"nzi Scheme. The stress of losing her fortune, coupled with the stress of the Virginia and Dominic going back to school, led to an irritation of her bladder, and made her mightily "pissed off", resulting in the aforesaid regrettable incontinence. (See photos 1 and 2, Daisy clearly irritated and PO'd). To try to relieve Daisy's stress, the Vet has recommended antibiotics and an all expense paid vacation in St. Kitts. (Short for St. Kittens). Darnell has suggested an alternative, which is a time share in a condo in Fair Haven, which he is willing to subsidize with some money he has come into recently, or at least he is willing to pay for the first night of Daisy's condo stay, after which if she convinces four of her friends to pay for a night in the time share, and they convince four of their friends, Daisy will get a cut of each payment, after Darnell receives his share, which is quite large, and in no time at all, well, Daisy's fortune will be restored,. (Photo 3, Daisy wondering what's wrong with this plan). Wait. What. While it makes sense on paper, Daisy has concluded that this scheme of Darnell's doesn't sound very relaxing! So I guess it's off to St. KItts. We can only hope she'll be able to squeeze in some golf.

 SPONSORED BY THE FAIR HAVEN CONDO TIME SHARE ADVENTURE, S.A., ,Darnell the Cat, Principal, It's Motto: "We offer the Duped the Chance to Recoup"

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